Shoe Component for Rotary Valve Case Study

Thermal sprayed rotary-valve shoe component.
Shoe Component for Rotary Valve
Reason to Consider Surfacing
Wear on shoe component of rotary valve results in leakage in the closed position.
Reduce wear to eliminate material wastage and reduce maintenance costs.
OEM sends parts directly to ASB Industries for processing. Chrome oxide is applied together with a 0.002 to 0.004 in. (0.05 to 0.1 mm) NiCr bond coat using the Rokide combustion process to apply materials in a rod form. C2O3 coating thickness is approximately 0.015 in. (0.38 mm). The shoe is hard-wheel ground to achieve required finish dimensions, and is finish ground using a diamond wheel to an approximately 20Ra micro-in. (0.5 m) finish.
- Ceramic coating easily diamond ground to oem specifications
- Extends the service life of the shoe by 8 to 10 times that of the
uncoated part. - Customer reduced the costs of purchasing and shipping new replacement components to a remote location.
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