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Innovative Surfacing Technologies

Cyclone Boiler-Thermal Spray Aluminizing on Tubes

Thermal Spray Studded Boiler Tubes
Thermal Spray Studded Boiler Tubes

Thermal Spray Studded Boiler Tubes

Cyclone Boiler-Thermal Spray Aluminizing on Tubes

Reason to Consider Surfacing

With extensive engineering and efficiency designs, this new Coal Fired Boiler has OEM specifications for an Aluminum Thermal Spray coating on studded tubes.


Tubes in high temperature and corrosive environments can be coated to increase service life by reducing the effects of corrosion wear greatly prolonging wall thickness within design specifications for fire side heating while keeping water/steam flow for optimum performance.


An Aluminum Thermal Spray coating applied by the Wire Combustion Process in combination with a high temperature sealer has been a proven standard for over 40 years adjusting to current thermal spray materials and equipment.


  • Specified engineered Thermal Spray Coating System for this Heating Zone
  • Tube maintenance is greatly reduced from the effects of wear corrosion
  • Keeping boiler operating for longer periods and reducing maintenance during heavy load demands

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Contact ASB today to learn more about our services and how we can work with you. Call us today at (330) 616-3363.